Università degli Studi di Firenze

Unifi, Italy

The Unit of Research of Unifi is interdisciplinary and comprehends all the competences required by the project, therefore it is especially suitable to coordinate the Units of Research involved and to contribute to the development of the Work Packages. It has established competence in academic research on matters related to labour law, social security law and anti-discrimination law, as well as on psychology of labour and information technology, which are proved by the numerous publications and books for scientific publishers.
Anti-discrimination law has always been one of the main research interests of the Unit’s members. In particular, Dr. Maria Luisa Vallauri (Associate Professor of Labour Law) is an expert in both private and public employment law, has worked a great length on anti-discrimination law, social state efficiency and workers’ wellbeing. The social security perspective is also a specific competence of Dr. William Chiaromonte (Associate Professor of Labour Law) who has equally significantly worked on migrants’ labour, social law. Professor Chiaramonte, Dr. Giulia Frosecchi (Researcher of Labour Law) and Dr. Camilla Matera (Associate Professor of Psychology) have engaged in an inter-disciplinary project on religious freedom at work, to tackle discrimination practices, with a focus on workers belonging to most vulnerable groups, directly experiencing the fruitful synergy between different methodological approaches. The academic competence is completed by Lorenzo Bettini (Associate Professor of Information Technology) who complements the Unit of Research with a paramount operational contribution, as concerns the development of both the website and the app, since he is an expert in software development and implementation.
In the CARE4CARE project Unifi will coordinate the consortium and will be in charge of the management activities, according to the plan of Work Package 1. Moreover, Unifi will lead Work Package 7, dealing with the design and launch of a web platform to provide sector-specific information on substantial and procedural rights. Likewise, thanks to its interdisciplinary expertise, the Research Unit will contribute to the carrying out of all of the activities in the remaining Work Packages (WPs 2,3,4,5,6,8).




Team Members

Maria Luisa Vallauri

Principal Investigator & Full Professor of Labour Law

Fabio Ballerini

Project Manager

William Chiaromonte

Professor of Labour Law

Giulia Frosecchi


Lorenzo Bettini


Camilla Matera

Professor of Social Psychology

Nicola Mucci

Professor of Occupational Medicine

Samuele Renzi


Michele Mazzetti

Research Fellow

Mauro Paoli

Administrative Office